Friends of the Pomfret Public Library is a volunteer group established in 2007 dedicated to enhancing the relationship between the library and the community it serves. Our desire is to encourage and promote community participation and support the activities and programs of the library and to assist in the library’s growth and development. Our purpose is to focus public attention on library services, facilities and needs, and to encourage donations to help to enhance library services for the community served.
Friends funds are being used to:
- provide the supplies needed for children’s programs, plus all guest performers and educators
- keep the café stocked – help yourself to a cup of coffee while you browse at the library!
- purchase furniture and equipment that keeps our library attractive, comfortable and efficient
- supplement our collection of books and movies
- subscribe to online services, such as downloadable ebooks and audiobooks
- refurbish the Aicher Memorial Garden and surrounding library grounds
- send library staff to conferences and training workshops
Friends members support our efforts by:
- making a membership donation (FoPPL is a 501(c)3 organization; all donations are tax deductible)
- digging in with the gardening committee
- contributing goods and labor at the annual book sale (always on the town-wide tag sale day)
- donating their gently read books to the library collection or book sale
- attending the annual meeting and other gatherings
- serving on the Friends Board
- encouraging their friends and neighbors to join the Friends too! Talk it up!
The Friends organization offers an opportunity to play a vital role in the development of the Pomfret Public Library as a center for lifelong learning and a community hub. Our hope is that through membership, donations and fundraising events, the Friends of the Pomfret Public Library will help support the library for all ages.
Find out how you can help make the Pomfret Library the best it can be!
Join Now!
Print and mail the FoPPL membership form