Reserves and Interlibrary Loan

Can’t find what you’re looking for on the shelves? You can easily reserve items that are currently in circulation and we will hold them for you on their return.
To reserve something at PPL
- go to the PPL online catalog
- Log In to your account (see View your account)
- select the appropriate category (title, author, etc) from the drop down menu, enter your search terms in the search box, click the little magnifying glass
- find your item in the search results list. Click on the HOLD button (a pointing finger)
- add a ‘not needed before’ or ‘cancellation’ date if desired; click Place Hold
- you will be notified by email or phone when the item is available for you.
Interlibrary Loans
You can request items not held at Pomfret Public Library through CONNcert, the union catalog of CT libraries using the same software as Pomfret Public Library.
The directions are the same as for reserves, above, but before you submit your search terms click on the icon next to the search box that looks like a little stack of pancakes (we don’t know why…) and select CONNcert. Then when you ‘Request This Item – Submit’, a library that owns the item will ship it to Pomfret Public for you and we will notify you when it arrives. Most items will arrive in 1-2 weeks.
Note: the notification email is automated and sometimes gets filtered as spam. If you haven’t heard from us in a couple of weeks, please call to check on the status of your request.
FindIT and BorrowIT
Can’t find your book at Pomfret Public or any other CONNcert library? Please contact Kim or Laurie; we can get most items through the CT statewide interlibrary loan system.
OR, you can search FindIT, the CT statewide catalog, to locate your item and borrow directly from any other public library in CT. You will need to bring your Pomfret Public Library borrowing card with a barcode number and current expiration date.